Sunday 17 May 2009

Cell Wars: Fending Off the Sods

Luke knew it all too well, once the red lights flashed like mad, once everyone started suiting up, once every officer in the control centre went off babbling into their respective intercom units.

Helmet on, orange jumpsuit zipped up, X-Wing ready. The calm in his mind was almost deceptive, but he was seasoned enough to keep a cool head.

Everyone else, though, wasn't in the same enlightenment.

And the Sods were back with a vengeance.

Control tasked him to take care of the Carrier in Lalaland, not very far off, and, like all the other Carriers, smack right on the border between his home and the outside world.


He actually felt guilty that his flight there felt so leisurely, in the midst of all the other T-Wings shooting at the Sods like mad and Y-Wings bombing whatever they could.


The Carrier looked helplessly useless enough on its own, with all the Sods about, rushing past the border to invade his home.

He knew the drill.

Luke armed his Adenosine Triphosphate (ADT) laser beams and fired away, not intent on killing the Sods but rather on herding them back at the Carrier.

On cue, the Carrier opened up, took in three Sods at a time, and, with energy from the phosphates found in Luke's ADT laser beams, blasted those Sods back into Sodland.


And that's how active transport in the plasma membrane works.

Bio oh bio.

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