Sunday 12 April 2009


I like this picture. lol.

It's spelt marshmallow, not marshmellow.

Why do we eat marshmallows? Because they're nice.

But you do know marshmallows aren't good for your health!

But then again we still eat marshmallows.

Okay so maybe you don't eat marshmallows. Maybe you eat.. junk food.

Everyone knows junk food is killer food.

If you can read this sentence and understand it, then you'd probably know that junk food ain't the best thing for your health.

But then again, you still eat junk food (don't we all?).

So I could rant on and on about Coca-Cola, hamburgers and french fries BUT the point is, humans do things that hurt themselves again and again and again even though they know it hurts themselves.

How weird of humanity.

Same thing: God tells us stop, and we just keep on doing it: the stubborn people we are, ignoring the fact that one day, we'll face the consequences.

Which reminds me of Israel. Israel sins, Israel gets downtrodden, Israel repents, God saves Israel, Israel sins again, Israel gets burned, Israel realises, God saves Israel, Israel sins again, Israel suffers, Israel repents, God saves Israel...

Makes you wonder how many truckloads of mercy God has.

Yeah, well, in conclusion, don't eat too many marshmallows.

This post seems pointless. It probably is. Well I was just trying to kill time =D

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